Cm. 14,5, cc (12) 240. Vignetta xilografica al titolo, capilettera xilografici ornati. Solida legatura ottocentesca in mezza pelle marrone con titolo, filetti e fregi ornamentali in oro al dorso. Piatti marmorizzati. Esemplare ben conservato. Contiene i principali scritti teologici e devozionali di papa Leo I, detto anche Leone Magno (Volterra o Anghiari, ?-Roma, 461). “Leo was no less active in the spiritual elevation of the Roman congregations, and his sermons, of which ninety-six genuine examples have been preserved, are remarkable for their profundity, clearness of diction, and elevated style. The first five of these, which were delivered on the anniversaries of his consecration, manifest his lofty conception of the dignity of his office, as well as his thorough conviction of the primacy of the Bishop of Rome, shown forth in so outspoken and decisive a manner by his whole activity as supreme pastor.” (Catholic Encyclopaedia).
D. Leonis Papae huius Nominis Primi, qui summo Iure Magni cognomentum iam olim obtinet Sermones & homiliae…
Venetiis, Zanettum, 1573
COD: 70196
Categorie: cinquecentine, religione
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